Real Estate Drone Photography Pricing (2025)

Now you might be wondering, how much does real estate drone photography pricing cost in 2024?
Well before we get into exact numbers, it’s important to understand a number of variables so that you don’t underprice all your hard work when out in the field.
Dependent on your experience, portfolio, and flying skills, we can better determine how much a real estate drone professional can price projects at in 2024!
Real Estate Drone Photography Pricing Options
This applies for a variety of projects but something you may want to experiment with are your pricing models.
Hourly Drone Photography Rates
Most beginner drone pilots will charge an hourly rate when they get into the world of real estate photography. I’m not saying this is bad but there’s a lot of other things you need to consider when charging by the hour aside from just capturing images.
Driving to the location. Gear. Insurance. Etc.
Largely this is a great option for beginners or for established drone pilots who know exactly how long a shoot will be and how much they want to take home for their work.
Hourly rates will also be determined by:
- Experience of the pilot
- Location of pilot
- Type of property – Luxury, ranch, etc.
- Gear being used. Higher quality drone camera = higher rates.
Day Drone Photography Rates
Day rates for Drone Photography services can sometimes not only be more appealing for the pilot but the client as well.
If you are packaging up your work and can ballpark a nice number that makes you happy, this might satisfy the client even more so than an hourly rate.
If I know a project is going to be longer than a specified time, it only makes the most sense to charge by a 1/2 day rate or full day rate to ensure I am keeping the lights on for my business.
Drone Photography Pricing for Real Estate by Square Feet
So how much is this going to cost?
Some drone pilots will also charge by size of the home. You have to remember that a home that is larger is going to take more time and focus to capture the essence of the space.
Location and Impact on Aerial Photography Pricing
Let’s think about supply and demand and size of the city you live in.
If you’re the only game in town, you have what we call a, MAJOR competitive advantage. You can set the market price for what these types of services cost.
So, based on your location, aerial real estate pricing is going to vary wildly. Not only because of other players, but the kind of market.
Compare Miami vs a random small city with a population of fewer than 5,000 people.
Certainly the demands for homes will be higher in Miami, and therefore agents will be me more likely to shell out top dollars to secure high quality imagery!
Know your market and know what you can excel at!
Deciding How to Charge for Your Aerial Real Estate Services
After you’ve completed your market research, evaluated your own skills, and decided what you think is your unique advantage, it’s time to decide on what’s going to attract the most clients.
Pricing by Experience
Maybe you are the experienced drone pilot of your region and you want to charge top dollar because you have the merit, skills and business savy to do so.
Pricing by Packages
You love the idea of selling packages to get your foot in the door with a client.
Bundling photo and video is almost standard nowadays, but selling it at the right price is not.
Explore more Drone Resources Today
Best Place to Fly a Drone in Santa Fe, New Mexico
Is your Real Estate Photography Drone Compliant with Remote ID in 2024?